Recently, our staff at AFCNS donated clothes to Lazarus House and The Community Giving Tree to help support their mission of helping those in need. Check out ways you can get involved for a summer community service project too! * Pictured from left to right are: Julie Romano, Lazarus staff member Alexander, and Bonnie Griffith.
Bonnie Griffith, Assistant Program Director traveled to Peabody recently and met with Maria Scheri, founder of S.T.O.P. The Operator from Passing, which is a bus stop safety initiative. The goal of S.T.O.P. is to reduce the number of traffic violations surrounding schools and bus stops to keep kids safer. Pictured are Bonnie Griffith and Maria Scheri.
AFCNS donated time and collected for a clothing drive to the Community Giving Tree in Lawrence, whose mission is to help low-income families in northeastern Massachusetts raise healthy children by providing recycled clothing, baby equipment and other basic necessities.
In November, the AFCNS team collected hygiene products, warm socks and gift cards for the Veterans Northeast Outreach Center in Haverhill. VNEOC, a registered 501 (c)(3), has been serving veterans and their families since 1985, and provides a full continuum of care to Veterans and their families throughout Essex, Middlesex and Barnstable Counties in Massachusetts, and Rockingham and Hillsborough counties in New Hampshire.